
I am a writer.

  • I serve as a conduit for stories.
  • The stories I receive are gifts from a power greater than me.
  • To keep these stories to myself is contrary to the spirit of the gifts.
  • It is my obligation to give away that which was freely given to me.
  • Those who are meant to find my stories, will find them.

I am a reader.

  • I love books of all types, and in all formats.
  • I don’t need anyone to be a ‘gatekeeper’ for my literary content.
  • I always find exactly the book I need, when I need it – even when I didn’t know I was looking.

I am an author advocate.

  • If it moves you, publish it.
  • Self-publishing is a valid choice.
  • Traditional publishing is a valid choice.
  • The only bad choice is not publishing at all.
  • Practice your craft, trust the revision process, and don’t skimp on the editor.
  • Respect your readers.
  • Define what success means to you in concrete terms, and be steadfast in your vision.

Aniko, Author Photo
Aniko Carmean is a Virginia girl living in Austin, Texas.  She writes stories and novels in a variety of genres, including horror, science fiction, and literary-artsy. Her definition of success involves stickers, giving away free versions of everything she writes, and dwelling in the beauty of the literary community rather than the anxiety of selfish grasping.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Aniko – I love your renewed philosophy.
    I love the new look and vision for your blog too.
    This look suits you. It fits you like a skin.
    I champion you and your philosophy my dear friend.
    May the story always guide you, inspire you, enrich you and light your path. 🙂
    Much love,


  2. Hi Aniko,
    It’s great that i found out your blog (I came from Marie Biella’s blog). You summarized all my thoughts in such a clear, well and short way – kudos. I shared your page on Twitter.
    I have yet one question: which genre are you personally writing in?


    • Hello!

      Sorry for the slow response, but my spam plugin was overzealous.

      I love Mari Biella! Her blog is a wonderful place to visit. She’s been a great supporter and friend since the very beginning of my self-publishing journey.

      My current works in progress are all dark fiction, but span a few genres. I have a science fiction novel, literary short stories, and a campy horror story all in progress. The commonality is less about strict genre, and more that there is a bit (or more) of the surreal in my stories. I love the juxtaposition of the seemingly “normal” with the supernatural or the outright bizarre. And, to more directly answer your question: the genre would probably be classed broadly as speculative fiction. Yes, that is kind of cheating because that definition can expand to include almost everything… 🙂

      Thank you for your comment, and for tweeting about my blog!



  3. When you described it it seems like my style but when I look at your titles, it seems a bit different. You are most welcome. I just noticed there are no social buttons in your new site.

